Product Description
- The Motorscan MS6050R17 is now the ByteRD MemoBike 6050 (model MS6050R35). Most features are the same PLUS the MemoBike 6050 now includes unlimited software updates for all makes and models (endothermic applications only). Currently includes version 35 software.
- Includes unlimited software updates for all makes and models (endothermic applications only).
- Comes preloaded with software for 118 manufacturers & 6000+ models of motorcycles, scooters, and ATVs. Full List below.
- The MemoBike covers the following functions: Ignition – Key less system – Suspensions – Injection – ABS - ACS (Air Control Suspension) – Injection (display codes) – Service Inertial Platform – Injection (blink codes) – Control Panel Parking – Injection adjustment – Body computer – WPM (Windshield Parking Module) – Electric traction - EPS (Electric Power Steering) – Handlebar controls – Traction control – DPS (Dynamic Power Steering) – Headlight adjustment – TCM (Traction Control Module) – EPT (Electric Power Throttle) – Speed regulation – Immobilizer – TPMS – Radio – Alarm Transmission Ignition, Injection, ABS, Immobilizer/Anti-Theft, Service Resets, Dashboard, Body Computer, Radio/Entertainment System and RDC/Tire Pressure Monitoring.
- Not all features are available with all brands of motorcycles/ATVs.
- Perform factory service procedures such as re-setting the service light, encoding keys, unlocking, and configuring the immobilizer/alarm, making injection adjustments (CO Trimmer), adjusting the throttle valve position sensor (TPS), resetting auto adaptive parameters, and making idle adjustments. The tool displays ECU data that reads stored faults (history) or live data (RPM, battery voltage, throttle angle).
- Activated via the internet, and all upgrades done electronically.
- Full 12-month warranty on parts and labor that automatically starts on the date of shipment of the unit.
- The scanner comes in a carrying case with the Master, Battery, Universal, and USB cables.
- OEM-level connector cables are required and sold separately.
- Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Greek, and Russian
Increase your customer base &service options with the ByteRd MemoBike 6050 Motorcycle Powersports DiagnosticTuning Scan Tool. It's the ultimate diagnostic scanner for motorcycles, dirtbikes, scooters, ATV's, UTV's and more! It is a great investment for any repairshop or technician. The MemoBike is way more than a simple code reader, it ispacked full of features and functions that will cover a wide variety of issues.The compact, yet durable design makes it simple to use so you can spend moretime working on the vehicle, and less time fiddling with your scanner.
- Vehicle data information includes connector location & cable identification.
- Automatic or manual vehicle search modes
- ECU / VIN display
- Read & reset stored/live fault codes & lights.
- Fault code database includes code descriptions.
- Live data display including RPM, battery voltage, throttle angle & more.
- Component test & activation functions include injectors, ignition coils, fuel pumps & more.
- Data logging function includes ECM parameters.
- Idle, injection, throttle position sensor adjustment.
- Reset auto-adaptive parameters to zero.
- ABS air purge & pressure test function.
- Key encoding/programming & PIN retrieval.
- Unlock & configure immobilizer/alarm systems.
- Body, suspension, traction control computer diagnosis.
- Radio, instrument panel, handlebar controls diagnostics.
- Tire pressure monitoring (TPMS)
- Get more coverage.
- Stop sending customers away.
- Offer more service options.
- Increase the accuracy of diagnostics.
- Increase customer satisfaction and referrals.
Covered Manufacturers:
ADIVA | 481, 493, 499, 512 | GEON | 562 | |
AEON | 562 | GG TECHNIK | 525 | |
AJP | 481, 562 | GILERA | 499 | |
APRILIA | 483, 490, 499, 518, 591, 599 | GOES | 562 | |
ARCTIC CAT | 463 | GRECAV | 481 | |
ARIIC | 562 | HARLEY-DAVIDSON | 480, 541, 599 | |
BAJAJ | 458, 489, 510 | HISUN | 562 | |
BENELLI | 481, 505, 562, 599 | HM | 499 | |
BENELLI (DSK) | 562 | HONDA | 461, 528, 599, 606 | |
BETAMOTOR | 481, 595 | HONDA MARINE | 606 | |
BIMOTA | 499, 518 | HUSABERG | 489 | |
BMW | 481, 525 | HUSQVARNA | 489, 489, 525, 551, 557, 599, 617 | |
BOOM TRIKES | 463, 481, 499, 606 | HYOSUNG | 522 | |
BRIXTON MOTORCYCLES | 481, 562, 621 | INDIAN | 516 | |
BRP CAN-AM | 501 | KAWASAKI | 458, 459, 464, 481, 493, 500, 509, 510, 599, 605 |
BUELL | 480 | KAWASAKI MARINE | 599 | |
CAGIVA | 476, 477, 499 | KEEWAY | 481, 562 | |
CFMOTO | 481, 499 | KL-KAWASAKI | 458, 605 | |
COLEMAN | 562 | KREIDLER | 481 | |
CSC MOTORCYCLES | 562 | KSR MOTO | 481, 562 | |
DAELIM | 539 | KTM | 489, 489, 617, 599 | |
DAFRA | 481, 489, 512, 539 | KVN MOTOR | 499 | |
DERBI | 499 | KYMCO | 481, 493, 538 | |
DUCATI | 499, 508, 599 | LAMBRETTA | 481 | |
FANTIC MOTOR | 481, 599 | LANCE | 512 | |
FB MONDIAL | 481, 499, 562 | LAVERDA | 499 | |
GARELLI | 499 | LEXMOTO | 481, 621 | |
GAS GAS | 499, 599, 599, 617 | LINHAI | 621 | |
GENERIC | 562 | LYNX | 609 | |
MACBOR | 481, 562, 621 | ROYAL ALLOY | 481 | |
MALAGUTI | 475, 481, 499, 562, 621 | ROYAL ENFIELD | 603 | |
MASH | 481, 562 | RVM | 481, 621 | |
MBK | 475, 584 | SEA-DOO | 609 | |
MBP | 481 | SEGWAY | 481 | |
MGK HELLENIC MOTOR | 481, 606 | SENKE | 481 | |
MH MOTORCYCLES | 481 | SHERCO | 499 | |
MITT | 562, 621 | SINNIS | 481 | |
MONDIAL | 461 | STELS | 562 | |
MOTO GUZZI | 499, 591, 593, 599 | SUMCO | 562 | |
MOTO MORINI | 499, 619 | SUZUKI | 463, 464, 477, 599 | |
MOTRON | 481, 621 | SWM | 481, 594 | |
MUTT MOTORCYCLES | 481, 621 | SYM | 481, 512, 615 | |
MV AGUSTA | 499, 526, 599 | TGB | 512, 608 | |
MZ | 481 | TRIUMPH | 481 | |
NOX | 481 | TRMOTOR | 621 | |
ORCAL | 481, 562 | UM MOTORCYCLES | 481, 499, 621 | |
OVERBIKES | 481, 562 | VENT | 481 | |
PEUGEOT | 481, 491, 512 | VERVEMOTO | 481 | |
PIAGGIO | 481, 499, 599 | VESPA | 499, 593, 599 | |
POLARIS | 516 | VICTORY | 516 | |
QOODER | 562 | VOGE | 481 | |
QUADIX | 481 | VOXAN | 499 | |
QUADRO | 562 | WOTTAN | 562, 621 | |
RIEJU | 499 | YAMAHA | 475, 584, 589, 599 | |
RIYA | 562 | ZONGSHEN | 562 | |
ROSENBAUER | 525 | ZONTES | 481 | |
ROTAX (BRP) | 501 |